When Parliament resumed at 2pm Chris Finlayson, Deputy Leader of the House told MPs that the Government’s priority next week would be the first reading of a bill amending the foreshore and seabed legislation and other first readings. Labour indicated it would support any urgent legislation that was deemed necessary due to the Canterbury earthquake
Five bills were introduced:
Depleted Uranium (Prohibition) Bill
Smoke-free Environments (Removing Tobacco Displays) Amendment Bill
Environment Canterbury (Democracy Restoration) Amendment Bill
Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill
Airports (Cost Recovery for Processing of International Travellers) Bill
Customs and Excise (Joint Border Management Information Sharing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill.
Following Question Time MPs debated the committee stage of the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Bill and it was reported back with amendments.
The Child and Family Protection Bill completed its second reading debate and the House rose at 6pm interrupting the first reading debate of the Identity Information Confirmation Bill.
It will resume next Tuesday at 2pm.