Tom Frewen: The Week In Parliament 15.10.10

by Desk Editor on Friday, October 15, 2010 — 2:33 PM

Column – Tom Frewen

Parliament’s newest MP, the ACT Party’s Hilary Calvert, replaces David Garrett and sets a new speed record by asking her first question minutes after bweing sworn in. She then makes her maiden speech, followed by the valedictory from Labour’s Mana …

Tom Frewen: The Week In Parliament 15.10.10

  • Tom Frewen: Parliament’s newest MP, the ACT Party’s Hilary Calvert, replaces David Garrett and sets a new speed record by asking her first question minutes after bweing sworn in. She then makes her maiden speech, followed by the valedictory from Labour’s Mana MP, Luamanavao Winnie Laban. National tortures Labour over errant Chris Carter and Labour responds with attacks on the prime minister over his interview on TVNZ’s Breakfast show in which Paul Henry questioned the nationality of the governor-general.

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