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When Parliament resumed at 2pm the Leader of the House Gerry Brownlee said when Parliament rose this week it would adjourn until November 9.
Urgency Today And November
When Parliament resumed at 2pm the Leader of the House Gerry Brownlee said when Parliament rose this week it would adjourn until November 9.
Mr Brownlee said priority would then be given to the Taxation International Investment and Remedial Matters Bill.
He indicated the second week of the November sitting would be held under urgency, but would adjourn at 6pm on the Thursday. This urgency motion would be used to progress bills on the Order Paper.
The Petition of Monique Watson and 694 others, requesting that the House of Representatives delay the introduction of National Standards until certain conditions were met, was presented.
The Housing Corporation annual report and a Commerce Select Committee report on the Television New Zealand Amendment Bill were tabled, and the Citizenship Amendment Bill was introduced.
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