House To Sit On Thursday Morning

by Desk Editor on Thursday, March 22, 2012 — 2:13 PM

Leader of the House Gerry Brownlee said next week the Government would look to make progress on a number of its bills including the first reading of the Social Security (Youth Support and Work Focus) Amendment Bill.

The House would sit on Thursday morning under extended hours for the third readings of treaty related bills, Brownlee said in his business statement.

Select committee reports were presented on the:

2010/11 financial review of non-departmental appropriations for Vote Agriculture and Forestry and for Vote Biosecurity by the Primary Production Committee;

Petition 2008/45 of David Mark Wills by the Primary Production Committee;

Report from the Controller and Auditor-General on Central government: Results of the 2010/11 audits (Volume 1) by the Finance and Expenditure Committee;

Arms Amendment Bill (No 3) by the Law and Order Committee;

2010/11 financial review of the Ministry of Health and the non-departmental appropriations for Vote Health by the Health Committee;

Petition 2008/145 of Vaughan Gunson and 38,297 others by the Finance and Expenditure Committee;

2010/11 financial review of the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, the Parliamentary Service, and Statistics New Zealand by the Government Administration Committee;

2010/11 financial review of the Ministry of Social Development and non-departmental appropriations for Vote Social Development, and for Vote Youth Development by the Social Services Committee;

2010/11 financial review of the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa, the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Board, the New Zealand Film Commission, and the New Zealand Historic Places trust (Pouhere Taonga) by the Government Administration Committee;

2010/11 financial review of the New Zealand Lotteries Commission, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, and the Office of the Film and Literature Classification by the Government Administration Committee;

2010/11 financial review of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by the Finance and Expenditure Committee;
2010/11 financial review of the Office of the Ombudsmen by the Government Administration Committee; and

2010/11 financial review of the Department of Internal Affairs as reported by the Government Administration Committee.
MPs then began Question Times.

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