The Student Loan Scheme Amendment Bill passed it second reading by 107 to 14 with Greens and the Mana Party opposing.
The bill amends the scheme to shorten the repayment holiday from three years to one year and require borrowers to apply for a repayment holiday. It also requires people taking out loans to leave a third persons contact details with IRD.
The Regulatory Reform Bill and Regulatory Reform (Repeals) Bill completed their second reading stages.
The Bills amend 13 Acts and repeal 31 Acts, some as old as 1885, to either reduce compliance costs, make inconsequential amendments or remove out of date legislation.
The repeal bill passed on a voice vote, the amendment bill passed by 107 to 14 with the Green’s opposing.
The Greens said they supported most of the bill but parts were repealing some regulations (including those concerning concessions on the Conservation estate) that were desirable.
MPs began the third reading debate of the Customs and Excise Amendment Bill and Biosecurity Amendment Bill which were formerly part of the Customs and Excise (Joint Border Management Information Sharing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill.
It passed on a voice vote.
MPs began the second reading debate on the Trade (Safeguard Measures) Bill which was reported back from select committee in July 2009.
The responsible minister John Banks said National must have been waiting for him to arrive in Parliament to pass the bill which implements laws to meet World Trade Organisation requirements on safeguard measures used on imports which breach dumping laws.
Debate on the bill was interupted when the House rose at 10pm.
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