Members’ Night – National Facing A Defeat?

by Desk Editor on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 — 10:25 AM

Labour’s first term MP David Clark may create a rare achievement in Parliament today – progressing a bill the largest party objects to.

Clark is sponsoring the Holidays (Full Recognition of Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day) Amendment Bill and thanks to the support of all parties except National and ACT his proposal to Mondayize Waitangi Day and Anzac Day looks set to be sent to select committee… if he can muster his numbers.

National had also faced defeat over the Depleted Uranium (Prohibition) Bill in the name of Phil Twyford. However the vote was tied 60 – 60 and as a result failed to pass its first reading stage.

The result came about as only National and ACT opposed the Bill and the Maori Party only had two votes to cast in favour.

In all there are nine members bills awaiting first reading after Question Time and the General Debate.

After Clark’s bill comes the Joint Family Homes Repeal Bill, which repeals the Joint Family Homes Act 1964 which has been overtaken by later legislation.

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