Consumer Law Overhaul

by Desk Editor on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 — 12:42 PM

Parliament resumed at 9am this morning under Extended Hours provisions and made progress on a number of bills including reform of consumer protection legislation.

Consumer Affairs Minister Simon Bridges said the Consumer Law Reform Bill was the most significant overhaul of consumer regulations in decades

Lianne Dalziel said Labour would be supporting the bill, but had concerns that the Government had taken so long to make progress on it.

Dalziel also believed the law change left too much to the marketplace and the experience of Christchurch and the behaviour of insurance companies showed there was the need for a more hands on approach from the Government.

The bill completed its committee stage on a voice vote.

The second reading of the Social Assistance (Living Alone Payments) Amendment Bill and the first reading of the Statutes Amendment Bill were also completed on a voice vote.

Earlier Parliament also agreed to appoint former Health and Disability Commissioner Ron Patterson to replace David McGee next year as an Ombudsman for a five-year term and reappoint CST Nexia as the auditor of the Office of the Controller and Auditor-General until 2015.
This afternoon the House will approve the recommended 2013 sitting programme and the adjournment debate before rising until January 29.

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