Parliament will sit in the morning next Thursday, Deputy Leader of the House Anne Tolley told MPs today.
In the Business statement to the House, Tolley said the bills to progress under extended hours would be determined next Monday. Next week the Government will also seek to make progress on the Marine Legislation Bill, Minimum Wage (Starting-out Wage) Amendment Bill and an Appropriations Bill.
At the start of today’s sitting MPs passed a motion on a voice vote noting the Election of Pope Francis and wishing him the best for his time in office.
The Auditor-General’s report, Crown research institutes: Results of the 2011/12 audits, was presented as was the petition of Noel Christopher Roderick Perry and 4,740 others asking the House take action against imposing certain reforms in the New Zealand Family Court.
The Government Administration Committee’s Special report on the 2011/12 financial review of the Department of Internal Affairs was tabled.
MPs began Question Time.
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