Court Process Reform Interrupts Budget Debate

by Desk Editor on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 — 10:07 PM

The Government adjourned the Budget Debate just before 9.30pm to start on the final stage of an amendment bill dealing with court procedure changes.

MPs began the third reading of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill.

The bill divided into nine parts reforms court procedures.

Associate Justice Minister Chester Borrows said the work on the reforms had begun ten years ago and had passed into law in 2011. This bill addressed a number of technical issues which had been identified and which the Government wanted to address before the new court procedures came into force in July.

The Government estimated it would save 10,000 hours in court time a year on unnecessary hearings and fixtures.

Borrows said the select committee had removed any potentially controversial amendments so the bill could enjoy wide support in the House.

All parties who spoke during the debate indicated support.

The debate was interrupted when the House rose at 10pm.

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