MMP Bill Drawn

by Desk Editor on Thursday, November 14, 2013 — 12:51 PM

A bill proposing changes to the MMP party vote threshold has been drawn from the Members’ Ballot.

The Electoral (Adjustment of Thresholds) Amendment Bill is in the name of Labour MP Iain Lees-Galloway seeks to drop the threshold of the number of party votes a party needs to get into Parliament from 5 percent to 4 percent.

The move was recommended by the Electoral Commission.

Even if the bill is supported by a majority in Parliament it would have to be fast tracked by leave or adopted by the Government to become law ahead of the next election. This is due to the House sitting programme, the way Members’ bills are debated and the priority given to bills which have made the furthest progress.

The SuperGold Health Check Bill in the name of Barbara Stewart was also drawn.

This bill provides SuperGold cardholders with an entitlement to three free doctors visits per year.

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