Election Day Countdown

by Desk Editor on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 — 10:40 AM

Parliament resumes today and with Prime Minister John Key’s announcement of a September 20 Election Day, it means there could be just 39 scheduled sitting days left before this Parliament comes to an end.

Key says the House will rise for a final time on July 31 ahead of this Parliament being dissolved on August 14.

Much of the time available will be eaten up by set piece requirements and Budget related legislation, leaving little time for the Government to advance its legislative programme. However it has already been agreed between parties to extend sitting hours a number of times this year to advance non-partisan legislation – notably treaty settlement legislation. The Government also has the option of using Urgency to a greater degree which may eat into the six or so available Members Days

This week the Government is giving priority to the committee stages of the Electoral Amendment Bill, Families Commission Amendment Bill and the Border Processing (Trade Single Window and Duties) Bill.

Members Day will take place on Wednesday.

ParliamentToday.co.nz is a breaking news source for New Zealand parliamentary business featuring broadcast daily news reports

Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
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