COOL Labelling Voted Down

by Desk Editor on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 — 5:44 PM

Opposition amendments to introduce mandatory country of origin labelling have been voted down during debate on the Food Bill during its committee stage.

The responsible minister Nikki Kay said the Food Billwould ensure the food regulatory regime was based on risk and not an out dated statute.

It introduced a sliding scale which ensured sausage sizzles would not be forced with compliancy costs, Overall she said compliance costs would reduce by $47 million.

Kaye said New Zealand had a voluntary country of origin labelling regime which saw a large amounts of food with single ingredients having such labels. Opposition amendments would be in breach of agreements with Australia and would not be supported by the Government. Kaye said Australia had launched an inquiry into its origin labelling regime because it was complex and confusing especially in the area of multiple ingredients coming from different countries.

Opposition amendments on country of origin labelling were voted down in Part One of the bill by 61 to 59 with National, ACT and United Future opposing.

Debate on the bill continues.

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