Peace Breaks Out… Briefly

by Desk Editor on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 — 10:05 PM

The set piece debate on financial reviews for 2013/2014 was completed tonight and included a rare moment of peace and goodwill between two of the sharper tongued MPs in Parliament.

The three hours and 58 minutes left in the nine hour debate on the committee stage of the Appropriation (2013/14 Confirmation and Validation) Bill were completed at around 9.45pm.

During the themed debate Labour MP and chair of the Government Administration Committee Ruth Dyson praised Arts and Culture Minister Chris Finlayson for getting the war memorial up and running for 100th anniversary of the Anzac Day commemoration.

Ms Dyson said she understood if it was not for the minister’s determination the project would not have been completed on time.

Chris Finlayson thanked Ms Dyson for her comments, but said praise also had to be given to the outgoing chief executive of the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage Lewis Holden and his team for their work. Mr Finlayson also praised the Ministry for Maori Development for its work in its work to make use of Maori owned land.

However the debate was not all praise and peace with it ending in rancour as NZ First Leader Winston Peters objected to his speech being cut short when the time limit for the debate expired.

The bill completed its committee stage and was reported without amendment by 63 to 58 with National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future in favour.

The bill was given its third reading immediately without debate and passed by 63 to 58 with National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future in favour.

The House rose at 10pm interrupting the second reading debate of the Social Assistance (Portability to Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau) Bill.

The House will resume at 2pm tomorrow

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