The House will sit under extended hours from 9am this morning to authorise appointments and debate two non-controversial bills.
There are four Government notices of motion. They are:
1. Peter Francis Boshier be appointed as an Ombudsman for 5 years, from 10 December 2015, and upon taking up the office of Ombudsman, be appointed as Chief Ombudsman from the date the incumbent Chief Ombudsman vacates the position.
2. Greg Mark Schollum be appointed as the Deputy Controller and Auditor-General for 5 years from 28 September 2015.
3. Dianne Mary Macaskill and Simon Murdoch be appointed as members of the Independent Police Conduct Authority, for three years.
4. Dame Linda Holloway be reappointed as Chair, Tangimoana Habib reappointed as a member and Carolyn McIlraith appointed as a member of the Abortion Supervisory Committee for three years.
MPs will then debate the third reading of the Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Bill and the first reading of the Building (Pools) Amendment Bill.
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