Parliament Resumes With Papers And Reports

by Desk Editor on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 — 2:12 PM

When Parliament resumed at 2pm the Standards Council’s statement of performance expectations was presented. When Parliament resumed at 2pm the Standards Council’s statement of performance expectations was presented.

Select committee reports were presented on the:

Question of privilege regarding use of social media to report on parliamentary proceedings by the Privileges Committee

Accident Compensation (Financial Responsibility and Transparency) Amendment Bill by the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee

International treaty examination of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation by the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee

Petition 2011/0095 of Carol Beaumont and 1,015 others, and Petition 2011/0096 of David Holm and 1,801 others by the Commerce Committee

Speaker David Carter then gave a ruling around interjections after complaints last week. He indicated he would be taking a stronger line on noisy interjections, the length of answers and the tabling of documents.

MPs began Question Time.

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