After question time on Tuesday, 20 October, the House is expected to advance a number of second and third readings of Government bills. Dr Russel Norman will give his valedictory statement on Thursday, 22 October.
The Government bills to be debated include:
- The Taxation (Annual Rates for 2015-16, Research and Development, and Remedial Matters) Bill. This bill amends a number of tax laws to achieve a broad-base, low rate tax framework.
- The Coroners Amendment Bill, which implements a range of changes to improve the quality, consistency, and timeliness of coronial investigations and decision making. This bill resulted from a targeted review of the Coroners Act 2006 and will also clarify the role coroners have in making recommendations to prevent future deaths.
- The Construction Contracts Amendment Bill, which proposes changes to the process for resolving disputes as contained in the Construction Contracts Act 2002.
Valedictory statement
At approximately 5.40 p.m. on Thursday, 22 October, Dr Russel Norman will make his valedictory statement in the House, which marks his retirement from Parliament after nine years’ service.
After Dr Norman’s statement, the House will break for a one week adjournment, returning on Tuesday, 27 October. During the adjournment week many MPs will spend time in their electorates dealing with constituency business.
Order Paper
The first three or four Government orders of the day will be what the House debates that day. You can find these on the latest Order Paper, although the order of business can change until the final Order Paper is published at 10.30 a.m. on the sitting day.
Select committees
There is a full programme of select committee meetings in Parliament this week, running from Tuesday until Thursday. Public hearings will be held in Parliament on Wednesday and Thursday for briefings and the consideration of a number of bills, petitions, and inquiries. For details of times and subjects, see the select committee schedule.