After question time on Tuesday, 13 October, the House is expected to begin the first readings of a number of Government bills, including the Environment Canterbury (Transitional Governance Arrangements) Bill. This bill creates a mixed-model governance structure for the Canterbury Regional Council from 2016-2019. It also contains provisions to help with the management of natural resources.
The Home and Community Support (Payment for Travel Between Clients) Settlement Bill, which implements a settlement reached between the Crown (the Government), District Health Boards, those who provide home and community-based care, and certain unions.
The Taxation (Transformation: First Phase Simplification and Other Measures) Bill, which introduces changes to various laws involving taxation to simplify rules and provide for the sharing of information.
Members’ day
After the general debate on Wednesday, 14 October, the House will consider bills put forward by MPs who are not Ministers. In recent years, both gay marriage and the “mondayisation” of the Waitangi Day and Anzac Day public holidays have been achieved by the House passing members’ bills.
Members’ bills scheduled to be debated include:
- Education (Charter Schools Curriculum) Amendment Bill, which would require partnership schools to teach a broad and balanced curriculum.
- Social Workers Registration (Mandatory Registration) Amendment Bill, which would require all practicing social workers to be registered with the Social Workers Registration Board.
A list of all proposed members’ bills can be found here.
Order Paper
The first three or four Government orders of the day will be what the House debates that day. You can find these on the latest Order Paper, although the order of business can change until the final Order Paper is published at 10.30 a.m. on the sitting day.
Select committees
There is a full programme of select committee meetings in Parliament this week, running from Tuesday until Thursday. Public hearings will be held in Parliament on Wednesday and Thursday for briefings and the consideration of a number of bills and petitions. For details of times and subjects, see the select committee schedule.