Business Statement, Papers, Bills and Petitions

by Desk Editor on Thursday, June 28, 2012 — 2:20 PM

Acting Leader of the House Chris Finlayson said after the two week adjournment, the House would resume on July 17 and the Government would progress the Social Security (Youth Support and Work Focus) Amendment Bill and the Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill.

Parliament would sit under extended hours to pass the Maraeroa A and B Blocks Claims Settlement Bill and the Maraeroa A and B Blocks Incorporation Bill, the Ngai Tāmanuhiri Claims Settlement Bill, the Rongowhakaata Claims Settlement Bill, and the Ngāti Mākino Claims Settlement Bill.

Two petitions were presented, one from Myles Thomas on behalf of Save TVNZ7 Campaign asking the House urge the Government to continue funding TVNZ7 at its current levels for many years beyond 2012 and note that 36,155 people have signed an online petition to the same effect.

The second petition was from Iain Lees-Galloway asking the House instruct the New Zealand Transport Agency to work with KiwiRail and regional councils to maintain a viable commuter rail link between Palmerston North and Wellington and note that 1,988 people have signed the petition.

Reports were presented on

The 21st conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers in the Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and the report by the New Zealand delegation to the inter-parliamentary unions Assembly in Uganda;

The Maori Arts and Crafts Institute annual report;

The Auditor-General’s discussion paper Reviewing financial management in central government was presented to the House of Representatives today; and

The Interim report on the Corrections Amendment Bill by the Law and Order Committee.
The following bills were introduced:
Overseas Investment (Restriction on Foreign Ownership of Land) Amendment Bill

Habeas Corpus Amendment Bill

Local Government (Salary Moderation) Amendment Bill

Prohibition of Gang Insignia in Government Premises Bill
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