Private and Members’ Bills

by Desk Editor on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 — 10:53 AM

Parliament will debate a raft of MPs bills this evening following Question Time and the General Debate.

First up is the second reading of the Hutt City Council (Graffiti Removal) Bill a private bill in the name of Trevor Mallard which will allow the council to remove graffiti on private property.

Up to two hours debate is allowed on this bill.

Then will come a series of first readings of Members’ Bills

Overseas Investment (Restriction on Foreign Ownership of Land) Amendment Bill

Habeas Corpus Amendment Bill

Local Government (Salary Moderation) Amendment Bill

Prohibition of Gang Insignia in Government Premises Bill

State-Owned Enterprises and Crown Entities (Protecting New Zealand’s Strategic Assets) Amendment Bill.

Each of these first reading debates can take up to 65 minutes each (compared to the two hours allowed for a Government bill at the same stage).

Each one of the bills debated tonight will result in another place being freed in tomorrow’s ballot for members’ bills.

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