1. Dr PAUL HUTCHISON to the Minister of Finance: What will be the focus of Budget 2013, and how will it help meet the priorities the Government has set for this term?
2. CATHERINE DELAHUNTY to the Minister of Energy and Resources: Will the changes to the Crown Minerals Act 1991 proposed in the Crown Minerals (Permitting and Crown Land) Bill allow for exploratory drilling in Schedule 4 areas?
3. GRANT ROBERTSON to the Prime Minister: Did the acting Prime Minister inform him that he had signed a Ministerial certificate suppressing details of the involvement of the GCSB in Operation Debut when he returned from his overseas trip in August 2012; if not, why not?
4. MELISSA LEE to the Minister for Social Development: What progress has been made on the Children’s Action Plan, and how is this making a difference for vulnerable children?
5. Hon RUTH DYSON to the Minister of Conservation: Is he confident that the proposed new structure for the department reflects the priorities in the Conservation Act 1987?
6. JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister of Tourism: What is the Government doing to attract more Chinese tourists to New Zealand?
7. EUGENIE SAGE to the Minister of Conservation: Will he support “Love DOC Day” by increasing the funding for the department so it can cancel the proposed staffing cuts?
8. Dr MEGAN WOODS to the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment: Is he still confident that post-graduate students will simply convert to borrowing for their living costs following his abolition of student allowances for post-graduate study that became effective on 1 January 2013?
9. SIMON O’CONNOR to the Minister for ACC: What is ACC doing to reduce the incidence of injuries in rest homes?
10. JACINDA ARDERN to the Minister for Social Development: Does she stand by her statement that the Government does not measure child poverty, as 29 other OECD nations do, because “… while the Labour Party is worried about what those measures are, we are getting on and actually doing something about it”?
11. BRENDAN HORAN to the Minister of Energy and Resources: Does he stand by all his statements regarding the Crown Minerals (Permitting and Crown Land) Bill?
12. ANDREW LITTLE to the Minister of Justice: Does she stand by all her statements?
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